Friends of Vision
The foundation’s mission is to help eliminate reversible blindness both locally and in underdeveloped countries, as well as to provide food, clothing, and educational supplies to orphaned, disabled and underprivileged children around the globe.
30 Year Progress
Restored Sight in more than 10,000 Patients
Over 27 Surgical Missions to Africa
100% Goes to Fulfill Organization's Goals
Dr. Colvard first began working as a volunteer eye surgeon in Sub-Saharan Africa in 1986. Over the last two decades he has worked primarily in northern Namibia near the town of Oshikati. In this isolated region where the need for eye care is severe, Dr. Colvard and his colleagues have restored sight to more than 10,000 indigent patients blinded by advanced cataracts.
While working near Oshikati, Dr. Colvard became aware of the desperate conditions of children at a school not far from the hospital. Lacking even the most basic education supplies and facilities, the Mwadinomho School principal and teachers struggled to provide an education for hundreds of children, many whom arrived each day malnourished and hungry.
Friends of Vision came to the support of Mwadinomho School and the impact has been extraordinary. Our efforts have included providing badly needed books and supplies, creating a sustainable garden to help feed the children, renovating dilapidated classrooms, and updating the irrigation delivery system to provide clean drinking and farm irrigation water. In addition assistance was given to the construction of a major new school building, where the children can both study and be protected from the elements during the heavy rains of the summer months.
All of these enrichment and improvement projects have been made possible through the generous support of our donors. Friends of Vision has no administrative costs. 100% of donations go directly to fulfilling the organization’s goals.

Friends of Vision Founder
Friends of Vision (FOV) is a non-profit organization founded by Dr. Michael Colvard in 1989.
The organization's name "Friends of Vision" was chosen to convey two meanings and objectives. It is an organization dedicated to restoring sight to the world’s most needy, and it is comprised of individuals who share a common vision of a more compassionate and caring world.
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